Automated NOAA/Meteor satellite ground station
Utilising Software Defined Radios and two pieces of metal hanging off of the side of the roof, this project works alongside the weather station for capturing satellite imagery of the island,
Europe and slightly beyond for detecting weather patterns and potential rain/cloud movements.
Currently, this is just going to be used for showcasing the satellite imagery captured, with future plans on implementing machine learning for automated, hopefully accurate weather predictions for the island.
Meteor m2-4
Weather Station Powered by Raspberry Pi
A live weather station powered by a Raspberry Pi that I work on passionately in my free time.
I can monitor the weather from a self-hosted website which has been recorded by a myriad of instruments.
The physical weather station is written in Python, and it is connected to a website via a virtual private server running a NodeJS application.
Some technologies I learnt to make this work:
SvelteKit, Redis,, ExpressJS, MongoDB, Leaflet